FAT FREE HEALTHY COOKING This air fryer is a great way to cut out calorie-rich oils without sacrificing on taste. Producing flavourful and perfectly prepared meals, this phenomenal and incredibly useful fryer is a healthy alternative to traditional cooking methods and is able prepare everything from meats to chips without the need for fat and oil. Perfect for health-conscious cookers, the tabletop air fryer will change the way you cook.
11 LITRE CAPACITY The air fryer has a sizable capacity of 11 litres. This providing the healthy cooking alternative with enough space to prepare food for the whole family all in one session or cater for meals with multiple components. While its contents are large, the overall frying unit remains compact enough to be placed on kitchen worktops and still leave sufficient space for food preparation.
ADJUSTABLE TEMPERATURE AND TIMER This air fryer comes equipped with an adjustable temperature function as well as a timer. These features are operated by dials, allowing you to tweak cooking times and heat settings depending on the type of food you’re cooking.
MULTIPLE TRAYS The included extension trays that turn the unit into a two-tier fryer. Sitting atop the base of the inner section, the tray creates another platform which houses extra food. This allows users to make the most out of the sizable contents within the air fryer by cooking a number of foods all at the same time.
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